Although Lee Hyuk started as an actor, he prepared for his directing roles by working as a production assistant on various short films and Shin Dong-il’s web drama as an assistant director. He directed his first feature film, Yeonan Pier which follows the story of a homeless person living near the titular coastal pier. The film was picked up by KBS Indie Film and Korea TV, and later invited to the National Road 1 Line Film Festival where it was recognized for its cinematic quality. Lee Hyuk’s films are personally funded and the crew is made up of acquaintances willing to help see the project made. The characters are often those overlooked by society; those who are homeless, struggling in poverty, or suffering from illnesses such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Lee hopes the people reflected in these characters will have a better tomorrow and continues to dedicate films towards them. Lee’s previous film was about a homeless person and his upcoming film is about poverty. Lee has not yet given up on his dreams to be an actor and hopes to continue to perform in his own work. His sources of influence include iconic actor-directors such as John Cassavetz, Orson Weels, Joo Sung-chi, and Pars Bender as he continues to pursue his dream.