Shortlisted Films Profile

Grand unified theory


    A story that gives voice to the unique perspective of the filmmaker, Grand Unified  Theory is about love, lust, marriage, teenagers and outer space. Epitomized by an  astrophysicist trying to keep his family from falling apart, its their wild behaviour that  offers proof of his radical theories explaining the behaviour of the universe.     David Ray grew up in Vancouver, Canada, working his way up from the bottom,  spending his time on Hollywood productions like X-Files and Walt Disney. Turning  heads with his own work, he was given creative control with investment from Telefilm  Canada in the summer of 2015.    Reaching out to the finest crew he came across in Hollywood North, he spent a year  casting the movie, discovering talent in theatre and in popular shows. With a budget of a  downpayment of a house in Vancouver and twelve days, it was a whirlwind shoot,  drawing on the last reserves of some of the hardest workers in show business.    John Luc Godard said that “intent is content” and what they created is a sum of all their  parts, a tale that attempts to connect the dots between physics, light, magic and faith, a  world with untold possibilities of the human spirit, the strength of family and the  lighthearted beauty in one small, corner of an ever expanding universe.