Film Music Concert

The Film Concert of the 6th Beijing International Film Festival Will Open an Audio-Visual -Feast


   The Film Concert of the 6th Beijing International Film Festival will open an audio-visual feast at Beijing Performance and Arts Group·The Theater of Cultural Palace of Nationalities. The concert will be directed by the famous conductors Fan Tao and Dai Zhonghui and gather many singers such as Ding Yi, Yu Lan, Ma Fei, Yun Fei, Wu Chunyan and others, who will jointly sing and perform the classical songs and operas like "The North Wind Blows", "My Heart Will Go On", "Story about Chunlan and Dongmei", "A Song About Hat", "Farewell, My Friends", and "The Magnificent Seven" in a perfect way; in addition, the theme songs of Star Wars and Harry Potter will give surreal charms, and The Mole and Kung Fu Panda will take you into a wonderful and picturesque world.

    Time: 19:30 on April 22: World Movie Theme Song Concert

    19:30 on April 23: World Film Songs Concert

    Place: Beijing Performance and Arts Group·The Theater of Cultural Palace of Nationalities

    Booking Tel: 83195320 / 83195319