The 5th International Jury of Tiantan Award Robert Mark Kamen


  Robert Mark Kamen

  Robert Mark Kamen was born in the Bronx, New York. He graduated from the public school system of that city, received his BA from NYU in Literature, and his Masters and Ph.D in American Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. In 1979 he sold the first screenplay he ever wrote to Warner Bros. With the proceeds of that sale he purchased 300 acres of raw land in Sonoma California in the Mayacamas Mountains over looking the San Francisco Bay. In 1980 he planted an organic vineyard on the land, which today produces highly regarded Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah wines.

  In 1992, while working at Warner Bros. Robert was introduced to the French director and producer Luc Besson by Bill Gerber, an executive Vice President at the studio. Since then, Robert has collaborated almost continuously with Luc, co writing fourteen films to date.

  In addition to his work with Besson, which includes Taken 1, 2, and 3, The Fifth Element, The Professional and the Transporter series, Robert has written another dozen films, among them: Taps, The Karate Kid series, Lethal Weapon 3, The Power of One and A Walk in the Clouds.